Boat Models
Edward Smith’s Scottish Fishing Boat Models have been developed over many years following demand from adult collectors. Each model is individually hand-crafted and finished. The current range includes over 20 designs. The range illustrates more than a century of Scottish Fishing Boat development, from ‘Zulu’ and ‘Fifie’ Sail Herring Drifters, in use as early as 1880, to Orkney Creelers and Purse Seiners built during the 1980s. New models are often added in response to specific requests
Quality and a high standard of finish are constant across the range. Hulls are selected redwood pine, with wheel-houses and other parts made of species of wood chosen for qualities of colour and texture. Non-toxic enamels are used to achieve a high standard of finish. Brass or chromed steel ring eyes fix spars to masts; brass or steel panel pins secure small parts and galvanised screws attach wheel-houses.
- Delivery will take about four weeks from receipt of order.
- Post and packaging is at cost.
- Individual models can be made to order at a small extra charge.
Please note : These models are not suitable as children’s toys.